Making Games Together
to Play Together.
07 May 2019 | 2 Minute Read
The theme: Your life is currency
The idea: Tetris like game but the opposite. Tiles come from the bottom of the screen and float up. You want to create a seal so the magma doesn’t erupt out of the volcano so you need to fill a certain portion (maybe more each level?) of the gamescreen before the magma rises to that level. Make it co-op by having you both put tiles in alternating so you have to work together but it gives you a bit of time to think of your next move - unless your partner takes that spot!
The game: Oblation
The challenge: Two kids under 3 years old.
We did it! We finished our first game jam together. We made a game. Granted, the game is missing some things. Quite a few in fact. But, it has a clear start and end. It has a menu system. It has some great art thanks to @rocktavious. It is a game.
The process also taught us quite a bit.
So @rocktavious and I sat down and hashed out a plan. We’re going to spend the next week brainstorming ideas. We posted on reddit to try to gather some ideas as well. At the end of the week we’re going to pick an idea and start some planning. We set a goal to develop our next game over the next 5 months. Essentially until the next Ludum Dare. We’ll stregthen our skills: coding, art, music, project management, and anything else we find needs work. But at the end of those 5 months, we’ll put that game down, maybe drop the kids off with the grandparents, and dive in to game jam #2. Then it will be time to reevaluate where we are, what we’re doing and where we should head.
I’m looking forward to the adventure ahead of us.