Red Owl Games

Making Games Together
to Play Together.

Ludum Dare 45 Here We Come!

01 October 2019 | 1 Minute Read

Friday October 4th to Monday October 7th, 2019 Starts at 5:00 PM CDT

Time flies. How has it already been six months? Step back - it’s only been six months? Red Owl Games has already had one course correction and one reorganization. I’ve learned that I enjoy making music. Our daughter eats more than our three year old, crawls faster than I can run, is solidly on her way to walking and says Korra (our dog’s name) consistently. @Rocktavious has kept at least some of our grass green the entire, very hot, Texas summer.

What they say is true. The days are long and the years are short when you have kids.

Either way, it’s time for the next Ludum Dare Game Jam. Number 45 to be exact. It’s going to be a tough one. Mainly because we were unable to find anyone to take the kids for any of the time. On the bright side they can entertain themselves for short spurts of time. On the not so bright side, short spurts of time of not conducive to making an entire game in a weekend. But Red Owl Games is going to give it all we can!

First thing on the docket is to brainstorm game ideas based on the top 10 themes. Hopefully we come up with some great ideas like last time!